Penjelasan dan Contoh Kalimat There was / There were - Serta latihan Soal

Pelajaran ini adalah lanjutan dari there is / there are dan contoh kalimatnya

Sebagaimana yang telah dipelajari pada catatan sebelumnya, there to be adalah untuk mengungkapkan adanya atau tidak adanya sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kita juga telah pelajari bahwa untuk present tense polanya adalah:

- There is => untuk singular noun.

- There are => untuk plural noun.

Nah, pada catatan kali ini, saya akan memberikan contoh kalimat untuk past tense.

Polanya adalah:

- There was => untuk singular noun.

- there were => untuk plural noun.

Kapan kita harus mengucapkan kalimat dengan past tense? Baca materinya di sini:

Contoh kalimat there was dan there were beserta artinya

Positive/affirmative sentence

There was a lot of disturbance in the room.
Artinya: Ada banyak gangguan di ruangan.

There were many students absent.
Artinya: Ada banyak murid yang absen.

There was a little milk in the bottle.
Artinya: Ada sedikit susu di botol.

Negative sentences

There wasn't any milk in the bottle.
Artinya: Tidak ada susu di botol.

There weren't many books in the bag.
Artinya: Tidak ada banyak buku di tas itu.

Interrogative sentences

Was there a cupboard in the room?
Artinya = Apakah ada lemari di dalam ruangan itu?

How many students were there in the classroom?
Artinya = Ada berapa murid di dalam kelas?


Untuk konsep dasar dan pola kalimat, there was/there were sama dengan there is/there are. Konsep dasarnya sudah saya jelaskan di pelajaran sebelumnya, jika ingin mengulang pelajaran silakan baca di

Contoh Soal tentang there was dan there were

Change the statements into the past tense.
(Ubah kalimat ke dalam bentuk past tense).

1. There is a lot of  work today.
2. There are three pens missing from my bag.
3. How much milk is there in the bottle?
4. There aren't many hospitals in this town.
5. Is there enough money for the vacation?
6. How many people are there?
7. There isn't much time to meet her.

Answer the questions using the information given in parenthesis
(Jawab pertanyaan menggunakan kata di dalam kurung)

1. How many people were there in the museum? (about 30)
2. Were there many employees at the meeting yesterday? (not more than 5)
3. How much free time was there during the training period? (very little)
4. Was there enough bread for us? (more than enough)
5. How many scientists were there in the laboratory? (not any)

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