Latihan Soal: Countable & Uncountable Noun
Setelah latihan soal materi pronoun, maka sobat dapat lanjutkan mengerjakan latihan soal tentang countable & uncountable noun.
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Latihan soal 1
Tentukan countable dan uncountable noun
Choose the correct one
1. House (countable noun – uncountable noun)
Jawab : countable noun.
2. Water (countable noun – uncountable noun)
Jawab : uncountable noun.
3. bus (countable noun – uncountable noun)
Jawab: countable noun
4. news (countable noun – uncountable noun)
5. garden (countable noun – uncountable noun)
6. tree (countable noun – uncountable noun)
7. butter (countable noun – uncountable noun)
8. information (countable noun – uncountable noun)
9. boy (countable noun – uncountable noun)
10. milk (countable noun – uncountable noun)
11. chair (countable noun – uncountable noun)
12. pen (countable noun – uncountable noun)
13. cup (countable noun – uncountable noun)
14. computer (countable noun – uncountable noun)
15. flour (countable noun – uncountable noun)
16. hand (countable noun – uncountable noun)
17. floor (countable noun – uncountable noun)
18. bicycle (countable noun – uncountable noun)
19. table (countable noun – uncountable noun)
20. person (countable noun – uncountable noun)
21. road (countable noun – uncountable noun)
22. grass (countable noun – uncountable noun)
23. tooth (countable noun – uncountable noun)
24. cheese (countable noun – uncountable noun)
25. curriculum (countable noun – uncountable noun)
26. education (countable noun – uncountable noun)
27. teacher (countable noun – uncountable noun)
28. honey (countable noun – uncountable noun)
29. salt (countable noun – uncountable noun)
30. flower (countable noun – uncountable noun)
Latihan soal
Isi titik-titik dengan indefinite article jika noun dapat ditambahkan indefinite article, biarkan kosong jika noun tidak dapat ditambah dengan indefinite article
Fill in the blank or leave the dots blank
1. He ate … sandwich yesterday.
Jawab: He ate a sandwich yesterday. (contoh)
2. Rosma asked me for … money.
Jawab: Rosma asked me for money.
Penjelasan: karena money uncountable noun, sehingga tidak bisa didahului oleh indefinite article "a/an"
3. We want … information about the test.
Jawab: We want information about the test.
4. I see … very big house.
5. Did you eat … bread yesterday?
6. Bring me … umbrella.
7. Do you drink … milk?
8. Do you have … glass of water?
9. Is there … telephone in your room?
10. I will give you … orange.
Latihan soal
Tuliskan contoh untuk menyatakan jumlah dari uncountable noun di bawah ini.
1. Lemonade
a bottle of lemonade (sebotol limun). (contoh)
2. Cake
a piece of cake (sepotong kue)
3. Chocolate
a bar of chocolate (sebatang coklat)
4. Bread
5. Toothpaste
6. Bread
7. Jam
8. Coke
9. Chocolate
10. Sugar
11. Salt
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